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February 18, 2025
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Department of
Goods and Services Tax
Government of Maharashtra
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Appellate Authority
वातानकुलिन यंत्रे आणि त्यांचे सुटे भाग यांची देखभाल व दुरुस्ती-दरपत्रक
Corrigendum_5 for Infra RFP
Pest Control Service for 2024-25
खरेदी नोटीस क्रमांक - २०२४ पिंटर टोनर कार्टूज रिफिलिंग व पार्टस बदलण्याकरिता दरपञके
List of SPIO and Appellate Authority for Abolished LTU Unit of Maharashtra State Goods and Service Tax Department under RTI Act,2005.
List of APIO, SPIO and Appellate Authority of Maharashtra State Goods and Service Tax Department under RTI Act,2005.
Tender Notice for Procurement of All in One computer and desktop for Nodal 09
वाहतूक सेवा दरकरार २०२४-२५ करीता पहिली मुदतवाढ देणेबाबत.(लेखन सामुग्री विभाग आस्था -१२.)
Advertisement GST OFFICE KALYAN.
वाहतूक करार लेखनसामुगी विभाग 2024-25
वस्तू व सेवा कर भवन, नाशिक कार्यालयासाठी जागा भाडयाने घेणेबाबतची निविदा
वस्तू व सेवाकर विभाग,रायगड विभाग,बेलापूर कार्यालयासाठी जागा भाड्याने मिळणेसाठी जाहिरात देणेबाबत.
Regarding Kolhapur Divison Reoganization Advertisement (Space for office on lease.)
Advertisement for Office Space at Thane Location
Invitation for Industry Consultation
कार्यालयासाठी भाडेतत्वावर आवश्यक जागेसाठीची निविदा
Industry consultation to provide and manage Data Centre Network along with Supporting services for Maharashtra Goods and Services Tax Department (MGSTD).
VAT & CST return filing periodicity for F.Y.- 2024-25.
Rate quotation Notice for inviting rate quotations for the Procurement of All-In-One (AIO) Computer
Periodicity of the PTRC Dealers for F.Y. 2024-25
Class 4 employees uniforms purchase circular.
Class 4 employees uniforms purchase circular.
Rate Quatation Notice-procurement of Laptop by JC(nodal 08)
Canteen Tender Advertisement
Selection of Assessment cases under Profession Tax for 2023-24
The cases for MVAT Assessment for the period 2019IBA for the period 2020-21 (Assessment cases 118 and IBA cases 171) is approved by Hon’ble Commissioner of State Tax by sanction order B-1296 (2020-21).
The cases for MVAT Assessment for the period 2019-20 (118 cases) is approved by Hon’ble Commissioner of State Tax by sanction order B-1292 (2019-20).
Rate Quotation Notice publishing on departmental website.
Advisory (SOP) for new GST Registration applicants.
Tender Notice for ' Weeding of Records.
Rate quotation Notice for inviting rate quotation for the Procurement of Laptops (i7 Specifications).
Rate Quotation Notice - Procurement of Servers, Rack and UPS
Renewal of warranty support for HP servers and storage.
Rate quotation Notice for inviting rate quotation for the Procurement of Printers, Scanner and Shredder Machine.
Rate Quotation Notice for Digital Printing Identity Card
Rate quotation Notice for inviting rate quotation for the Procurement of Desktop Computer
Rate quotation notice of 24 HP Toner procurement.
Webinar on e-Invoice System: Question and Answer Session Hosted by National Informatics Centre
Periodicity of the MVAT_CST dealers for F.Y. 2023-24
Mazgaon_MTNL_Bandra_Officers sitting arrangement
Order under section 19(2) of the Settlement Act, 2023 for specifying the forms and manner of the submission of forms.
Form-IA-V-1.0.001 (Application for return/revised return dues, dues as per Form-704 etc. (Other than Statutory Order dues)
Form-I-V-1.0.001 (Application for Statutory Order dues)
User Manual Registered Dealer Profile creation
User Manual for uploading Online Amnesty application
FAQs for Amnesty scheme 2023
GSTN launches e-invoice registration services with private IRP’s
Circular_Apointment or reappointment of Technical Members of MSTT.
Periodicity of the PTRC Dealers for F.Y. 2023-24.
Settlement Act 2023 Marathi
Settlement Act 2023 English
Conveyance Public Auction Paper Advertisement and Notice.
Sanction Order for cases of Issue Based Assessments (IBA) selected for the period 2019-20, under MVAT Act 2002 and CST Act 1956 along with Lists.
Sanction Order for cases of Comprehensive Assessments & Issue Based Assessments (IBA) selected for the period 2018-19 under MVAT Act 2002 and CST Act 1956 along with Lists.
Corrigendum Order in respect to Sanction Order for cases of Issue Based Assessments (IBA) selected for the period 2017-18.
Sanction Order for cases of Issue Based Assessments (IBA) selected for the period 2017-18, under MVAT Act 2002 and CST Act 1956 along with Lists.
List of cases selected for assessment under Profession Tax Act for FY 2022-23.
DR Drill Demo File Upload
Appointment of Nodal Officers for Coordination between Central and State Tax Authorities for verification on Transitional Credit Claims
Webinar on GST E-invoicing (Questions and Answers) dated 21/10/2022 11:30 AM
DR Drill Dummy File to check
Regarding allocation of rights of PAN Correction, Password reset, Profile creation and non-core amendment on SAP System.
Validating E-CST forms
List of APIO, SPIO and Appellate Authority of Maharashtra State Goods and Service Tax Department under RTI Act,2005.
Updated List of Non genuine Dealers as on JUNE_2022
Note-Late Fee waiver for Profession Tax Payers
Periodicity of MVAT/CST Dealers for F.Y. 2022-23
PTRC e-Return template for the period 01/04/2022 onward.
PTRC e-Return template upto the period 31/03/2022.
Periodicity of the PTRC Dealers for F.Y. 2022-23.
List of Jurisdiction update cases during 1st March 2022 to 6 April 2022
Circular-Appointment to the Posts of Technical Members of THE MAHARASHTRA SALES TAX TRIBUNAL
Sanction Order of Comprehensive Assessments & Issue Based Assessments (IBA) under MVAT Act and CST Act for the periods 2017-2018 (1st Quarter) and 2017-18 (Annual) along with Annexure.
List of Empaneled Technical Advisor (Civil )
Updated List of Non genuine Dealers as on OCTOBER_2021
List of cases selected for assessment under Profession Tax Act for FY 2021-22.
Order of withdrawal of pending assessment proceedings (IBA) under MVAT Act and CST Act for the periods 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 (1st Quarter) along with Annexure- Phase- II
Procedure for Obtaining e CST Declarations under CST Act
Order of withdrawal of pending assessment proceedings (IBA) under MVAT Act and CST Act for the periods 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 (1st Quarter) along with Annexure
Periodicity of the VAT and CST dealers for F.Y. 2021-22.
Periodicity of the PTRC dealers for F.Y. 2021-22.
Suggestions for minimizing regulatory compliance burden on businesses
PTEC Old to New Mapping
PTRC Old to New Mapping
GST Audit cases for the period of 2017-18.
Trade Circular ARA 01 T of 2020 - Guidelines for online e-hearing before the Advance Ruling Authority under Maharashtra State Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017.
To know the status of GSTN taxpayer (Active /inactive) please use link
FAQ on Form e-704 (Audit Report)
MVAT Live Dealers along with TIN to Desk Mapping as on 31/03/2020.
List of cases selected for assessment under Profession Tax Act for FY 2020-21
User Manual Vat Appeal Dealer Portal
Circular Regarding E-Filing and Virtual Hearing.
Periodicity of the VAT and CST dealers for F.Y. 2020-21.
PTRC holders Return filling periodicity for F.Y. 2020-21.
List of APIO, SPIO and Appellate Authority of Maharashtra State Goods and Service Tax Department under RTI Act,2005.
Go Live of online filing of Appeal Applications along with Appeal Payments under VAT and CST Act. Please refer to Trade Circular 55 T of 2019.
List of cases selected for assessment under Profession Tax Act for FY 2019-2020.
Tin to Desk Mapping as on 18/10/2019
Sanction Order of Assessment & IBA cases for the period 2017-18 (i.e. 01/04/2017 to 30/06/2017) along with Annexure.
Filing of Appeals - Assessing Officers to Appellate Officers Desk Mapping (Other Than Registration Cancellation Orders)
New Registration under GST Selection of State Jurisdiction on GST portal
Allocation of GST Taxpayers to State Authorities as on 08/08/2019
Updated list of Non genuine dealers as on July 2019
Rules and Format of Forms prescribed under Maharashtra Right To Service Act.
Periodicity of the VAT and CST dealers for F.Y. 2019-2020
Sanction Order of Assessment & IBA cases for the period 2016-17 along with Annexure
Cases Sanctioned by Hon. CST which were recommended by Zonal Selection Committees up to 31.03.2019.
Withdrawal Orders (of pending assessment proceedings) issued by Hon. CST which were recommended by Zonal Selection Committees up to 31.03.2019.
Sanction Order of newly selected assessment cases (A.R.) under MVAT Act and CST Act for the period 2013-14 to 2015-16 along with Annexure.
Sanction Orders of Newly Identified Revenue Risk after Rerun Activity of CDA Parameters for IBA for The Period 2012-13 to 2015-16 along with Annexure-A
Sanction Order of Differential liability rerun cases on account of missing declarations for IBA under MVAT Act and CST Act for the period 2012-13 along with Annexure-A.
Sanction Order of refund rerun assessment cases under MVAT Act and CST Act for the period 2014-2015 along with Annexure-A
Sanction Orders of Mismatch-Unmatch Input Tax Credit Transaction for Issue Based Audit for The Period 2013-14 to 2015-16 along with Annexure-A
Procedure for Appeal for Advance Ruling under GST
Order of withdrawal of pending Assessment proceeding (IBA) under MVAT Act and CST Act for the periods 2013-2014, 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 along with Annexure.
Password Reset Procedure
New RC granted under various Acts, from 25th May 2016 to 31st May 2018
Updated list of Allotment of cases selected for Issue Base Audit for the period 2012-13 and for Assessment & Issue Base Audit for the period 2013-14 to 2015-16 (up to 31.01.2018) as per new allocation chart dt. 02.02.2018.
"Format for filing anti-profiteering application"
"List of mega projects & other than mega projects under PSI-2001, PSI-2007 & PSI-2013"
List of beneficiary dealers against whom police complaints have been filed
"List of Dealers continuing to pay tax and file returns under MVAT/CST Acts after 01/07/2017"
"List of documents required to be uploaded for grant of Registration."