Billing Software V 1.01
Software Name: “MSTD Billing Software”
Software Version: 1.01
Software Purpose: The MSTD Billing Software is a software provided for generating and printing Sales invoices, cash memos, debit / credit notes along with Purchase entries in line with statutory requirements of Maharashtra Sales Tax Department.
Software Features: The following features are provided for the Version 1.01 of MSTD Billing Software:-
- Business Information: Capturing, Saving, Editing and Maintaining.
- Product Master (Item Master): Capturing, Saving, editing and Viewing the items list.
- Customer Master: Capturing, Saving, Viewing and Maintaining the Customers list.
- Supplier Master: Capturing, Saving, Viewing and Maintaining the Suppliers / Vendors list.
- Bulk Upload of Product Master, Customer Master and Supplier Master: The software is provided with the option of uploading the product items, customers, suppliers in bulk (i.e. the user can upload more than one item, customer and supplier detail at a time).
- Create and Print Invoice: Capturing, Saving, Maintaining, Viewing and Printing.
- Create and Print Purchase Entry: Capturing, Saving, Maintaining, Viewing and Printing.
- Create and Print Debit Note and Credit Note: Capturing, Saving, Maintaining, Viewing and Printing.
- Create and Save Sales and Purchase Annexures: Capturing, Saving, Maintaining and Printing.
- Sales and Purchase Report search, Export in different formats
- Data Backup and Restore: The backup of the data can be taken and restored.
Software: Download and Installation
- Link to Download Billing Software is made available on
- The steps for installation are given in separate installation manual.
- Please strictly follow the steps mentioned in the installation manual for installation of the Software.
- Browser: The billing software runs best in Chrome Browser version 50.X
- Launching the Application: For opening the Billing software, click “http://localhost:8080/MSTD-Billing-software” or open the Browser and enter the link (http://localhost:8080/MSTD-Billing-software) URL in the URL space in the address bar.
- Quick Access Tip: For opening Billing Software in Browser dealer can add bookmark for URL http://localhost:8080/MSTD-Billing-software or add shortcut on desktop from Tools section of browser.
- Note: When using the software for the first time, it will display the End User License Agreement (EULA). The dealer has to agree with the same to proceed further. Once the Dealer check marks “I Agree…” and Clicks Next he can then proceed with the various steps and use the software.
- Important Notes:
- All the screenshots, data used in screenshots, MSTD logo used in screenshots are only for illustrative purpose for showing the various features of the software. None of this data must be used, reused or assumed to be actual data by the software user
- Before using the Billing software please ensure that Tomcat web launcher is running in automatic mode.
- To confirm it, please click Tomcat icon on right hand side of the task bar of windows and see the selection is Automatic in dropdown box.
- If software application is not used for long time, session may disconnect from database, in such case restart the Tomcat web launcher from task bar.
- The billing software runs best in Chrome Browser version 50.X
- For improving performance of Billing Software always clear Browser history and cache memory.
- For opening Billing Software in Browser dealer can add bookmark for URL http://localhost:8080/MSTD-Billing-software or add shortcut on desktop from Tools section of browser.
- Please do not use Back button of browser as it will overwrite the already saved data